Environment Variables ===================== .. contents:: Environment Variables in Spec ----------------------------- Environment variables can be used in the following :ref:`spec options `: * Environment variables in ``experiment_default.envs`` * Commands in ``experiment_default.commands`` * Paths in ``experiment_default.write_outputs`` * Environment variables in ``experiments[].envs`` * Commands in ``experiments[].commands`` * Paths in ``experiments[].write_outputs`` * Path in ``server_default.private_key_path`` * Value in ``server_default.username`` * Value in ``server_default.hostname`` * Path in ``server[].private_key_path`` * Value in ``server[].username`` * Value in ``server[].hostname`` * Commands in ``requirements.`` * Path in ``write_status_to`` Extra Environment Variables --------------------------- Noodles also provides some extra environment variables when executing the commands: * ``NOODLES_EXPERIMENT_NAME`` (The current experiment name) * ``NOODLES_SERVER_NAME`` (The current server name of the satisfied server) * ``NOODLES_SERVER_PORT`` (The port to connect to the satisfied server) * ``NOODLES_SERVER_USERNAME`` (The username of the satisfied server) * ``NOODLES_SERVER_HOSTNAME`` (The hostname of the satisfied server) * ``NOODLES_SERVER_AUTHORITY`` (Username and hostname of the satisfied server, in the form of ``@``)