2. Linux-based Terminal for Windows

For Linux users, please skip this part and continue to Usage.

For Windows users, I recommend using git-sdk. You can use built-in Linux commands and install packages. For more information about git-sdk, please see build-extra.

To install and use git-sdk, follow these steps:

  1. Download git-sdk

  2. Install git-sdk (e.g., to the default directory C:\git-sdk-64)

  3. Open C:\git-sdk-64\git-bash.exe

2.1. Install and Uninstall Packages

Use pacman -S to install packages and pacman -R to remove packages.

2.1.1. Commonly Used Packages

  1. Install Tmux for detached sessions: pacman -S tmux

  2. Install procps-ng for browsing procfs: pacman -S procps-ng

2.2. Use git-sdk in Visual Studio Code

To use git-sdk as the integrated terminal in VS Code, add the following JSON snippet to the settings:

    "terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\git-sdk-64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe"