4. Write a Minimalist Spec File

Writing a spec file should be easy, let’s build a minimalist spec file to print the system information of a server.

4.1. Create a File

Let’s create an empty file spec.yml in any directory.

4.2. Add a Name

We should add the name of the spec for what it does by appending the following snippet to spec.yml.

name: Get server name

4.3. Add a Description

We can optionally add a more verbose description. It’s a good practice to let people understand what the file is doing.

description: Use the command "uname" to get the server name

4.4. Add Experiments

Now it’s time to add some experiments. In this example, we only want to check the system information once, so there is only one experiment.

- name: Get server name
    run: "uname -a"

run is the command type we’ll be using. It can be any other string (e.g., get_info, get_info_on_the_server)


The experiments can be anything as long as they can be done by any Linux commands.

4.5. Add Servers

Then we should add some servers for the experiments to deploy. We should add at least one server. Feel free to modify the following text to specify your own server.

- name: Server 1
  private_key_path: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
  username: $USER
  hostname: server1

name is only used for Noodles to print the information, private_key_path is the path to the private key on the local machine, username is the username on the remote server (We use $USER to set the same username as on the local machine), and hostname is usually a domain name (e.g., example.com) or an IP address (e.g., of the remote server.


Using password is not secure, so it’s not supported by Noodles. If you haven’t set up the SSH keys, please follow this tutorial.

4.6. Final Spec File

The final spec file can be seen here and also on GitHub:

name: Get server name

description: Use the command "uname" to get the server name

- name: Get server name
    run: "uname -a"

- name: Server 1
  private_key_path: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
  username: $USER
  hostname: server1

4.7. Run the Spec File

Execute the following command:

noodles run spec.yml

and we should see something like:

2019-06-10 16:42:23 run   INFO     Start stage "before_all_experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:23 run   INFO     Finished stage "before_all_experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:23 run   INFO     Start stage "experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:23 run   INFO     Deploy experiment "Get server name" to server "Server 1"
2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Commands output from STDOUT->
Linux XXX 4.4.0-131-generic #157-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 12 15:51:36 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Finished stage "experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Start stage "after_all_experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Finished stage "after_all_experiments"
2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Total elapsed time: 1.828s
2019-06-10 16:42:25 run   INFO     Successfully deployed 100% (1/1) "run" experiments

See the highlighted line. If XXX is shown as the hostname of your server, the deployment is successful.